Pioneer PLX-500 Turntable with USB
This is awesome. Finally an affordable record player so “Vinyl Dj’s” can now take their classics and hard to find LP’s and digitize them. Yeah yeah they already had a turntable to do this. Doesn’t look as cool as the Pioneer though. I was interested in the older brother the PLX-1000, but that thing is way too pricey. Since I do my own Turntable repairs I have been picking up Technic 1200’s and repairing them for some time now. Ending my collection at 6 turntables, I am looking for a studio player. A turntable I can sample beats from and also play classics. I am looking for a Turntable as cool looking as the PLX-1000 but not as pricey. You better believe I am copping this turntable. I have a shitload of classic 90’s hip hop that I need to digitize. A lot of whats going around from back then sounds to low or just plain sounds like shit. This will revolutionize the crate digging experience.